An allergist is a doctor who is specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases. The allergist is uniquely trained to identify allergy and asthma triggers. Allergists assist individuals with treating or forestalling their allergy issues. Dr. Rama Pratyusha is respiratory medicine and allergy specialist in Hyderabad
One of the wonders of the human body is that it can defend itself against harmful intruders, for example, bacteria or viruses. However, sometimes defenses are aggressive and harmless substances like molds, dust or pollen are erroneously recognized as dangerous. The immune system then, at that point, revitalizes its protections, which incorporate several chemicals to attack and obliterate the supposed adversary. All the while, some unpleasant and, in outrageous cases, life-threatening symptoms might be experienced in the allergy-prone person.
A visit to Dr. Y. Rama Pratyusha who is the Pulmonology doctor in Hyderabad at best pulmonology hospitals may include:
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