Sleep Study Treatment in Hyderabad

If your pulmonology specialist in Hyderabad proposes you go to through a sleep study, or polysomnography, you might be thinking about what is involved with this test and what to expect. Sleep studies assist the specialists with diagnosing sleep issues like sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, restless legs disorder, a sleeping disorder, and night time behaviors like sleepwalking and REM sleep behaviour issue.

What Is a Sleep Study?

A sleep study is a non-invasive, overnight exam that permits sleep apnea specialist in pragathi nagar to screen you while you rest to see what’s occurring in your brain and body. For this test, you will go to a sleep lab that is set up for overnight stays in a hospital or sleep center. While you rest, an EEG screens your sleep stages and the patterns of REM and nonREM or NREM sleep you go through during the night, to recognize potential interruptions in the pattern of your sleep. A sleep study will likewise gauge things, like eye developments, oxygen levels in your blood, heart and breathing rates, wheezing, and body movements.

Sleep studies treatment in Hyderabad gather data concerning what's going on in a person’s body during sleep. Various kinds of sleep studies are available relying upon one’s indications and the sleep problems that might be available.

Sleep Study Treatment in Hyderabad
  1. Polysomnography: In polysomnography, a technician screens a patient who remains awake overnight at clinic. An assortment of functions are estimated for the duration of the night, including eye movements, brain and muscle action, respiratory effort and airflow, blood oxygen levels, body positioning and developments, snoring and heart rate.
  2. Numerous Sleep Latency Test: Multiple rest dormancy testing estimates how rapidly somebody nods off and how rapidly they enter REM rest during daytime rests.
  3. Multiple Sleep Latency Test: Multiple sleep latency testing measures how quickly someone falls asleep and how quickly they enter REM sleep during daytime naps.
  4. CPAP Titration: Continuous positive aviation route pressure (CPAP) is a typical treatment for sleep apnea. In CPAP titration, a technologist decides the measure of pneumatic stress that patient necessities from their CPAP so their machine can be appropriately customized for home use.
  5. Home Sleep Apnea Testing: Home sleep apnea testing gathers information about a patient breathing, pulse, and different factors overnight.

Consult respiratory medicine specialist in Hyderabad at sleep apnea hospital in Pragathi nagar