Lung Cancer Hospitals in Hyderabad

Lung cancer is a type of disease that starts in the lungs. Your lungs are two supple organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you breathe in and discharge carbon dioxide when you breathe out.

Signs and manifestations of cancer in the lungs might include:

  1. Another cough that doesn’t go away
  2. Coughing blood, even a limited quantity
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Chest pain
  5. Hoarseness
  6. Losing weight
  7. Bone pain
  8. Headache

The therapies at lung cancer hospitals in Hyderabad for small cell lung cancer in the lungs incorporate

Lung Cancer Hospitals in Hyderabad
  1. Surgery
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Radiation treatment
  4. Immunotherapy
  5. Laser treatment, which utilizes a laser beam to kill cancer cells
  6. Endoscopic stent placement: An endoscope is a flimsy, tube-like instrument used to take a gander at tissues inside the body. It could be utilized to place in a device called a stent. The stent assists with opening an aviation route that has been obstructed by abnormal tissue.

The therapies at best pulmonology clinics in Pragathi nagar for non-small lung cancer in the lungs incorporate

  1. Medical procedure
  2. Radiation treatment
  3. Chemotherapy
  4. Targeted treatment, which uses drugs or different substances that assault explicit disease cells with less damage to typical cells
  5. Immunotherapy
  6. Laser treatment
  7. Photodynamic treatment (PDT), which utilizes a medication and a specific sort of laser light to kill cancer cells
  8. Cryosurgery, which utilizes an instrument to freeze and annihilate unusual tissue
  9. Electrocautery, a treatment that utilizes a test or needle heated by an electric current to obliterate strange tissue

Can lung cancer be prevented?

Avoiding the risk factors may help to prevent lung cancer:

  1. Quitting smoking. If you don't smoke, don't start.
  2. Lower your exposure to hazardous substances at work
  3. Lower your exposure to radon. Radon tests can show whether your home has high levels of radon. You can buy a test kit yourself or hire a professional to do the test.

Make an appointment with lung infection specialist in Hyderabad at chest medicine hospitals in Pragathi nagar for lung cancer treatment