Child care in monsoon season during Covid pandemic

The Covid pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, with the fast and uncontrolled spread of the virus, personal hygiene and sanitization are extremely important and the only known ways to try and help prevent the contagion of the virus. So, what about kids? This pandemic era is playing a major role in their mental, physical and sociological departments. On one hand where there are no schools and on the other, the curb on outdoor activities, all these unforeseen circumstances have forced parents to rethink the norms and improvise as per the situation. Best Children doctors in Hyderabad suggest that the most important factor in focus here is the health of children, it’s a known fact that kids are more prone to catching infectious diseases just cause of the fact that their immune system is still in the developing phase and they might still be due for certain vaccines.

Pediatrician in Hyderabad believes that safeguarding these young ones is essential now more than ever. Children are quick learners, therefore leading them by example is the best way to teach them about good hygiene practices like washing hands with soap or alcohol based sanitizer for a good 20 seconds, explain to them why it’s important to avoid touching their nose, mouth, eyes etc. Enforce the need to maintain social distance and to stay home as much as possible. It might be difficult to contain them or their need to go out and play but engaging them in other activities inside the safety of their home is paramount. Pediatric hospitals in Hyderabad have also emphasized on the need to keep surfaces that are commonly touched even more cleanly such as door knobs or switches or remotes etc.

To top it off, the monsoon has arrived and this means extra care, extra caution and extra safety for children per Child specialist in Hyderabad. Ensure that their clothes are not damp, their surroundings are dry and pollen free as it could trigger asthma and need best asthma treatment in Hyderabad from asthma doctors in Hyderabad in best asthma clinics in Hyderabad and there is no water stagnation nearby as it acts like a perfect breeding ground for insects. Give them home cooked immunity boosting foods rich in vitamins as outside food is not just to be avoided cause of monsoon but also cause of the corona virus. A lukewarm bath in the hottest time of the day is definitely recommended, avoid any cold substance which can further decrease their immunity. Any sign of allergies that are visible either on skin or otherwise, needs to be checked immediately by best children allergy doctors in Hyderabad.

Best Children clinics in Hyderabad believe that one important thing to remember is not to shun their mental growth or happiness, children need to understand why there are these new rules, why they are not being allowed to go outside or to school. Therefore, explain to them the scenario, make them understand the need to stay home to stay healthy and happy. Create an atmosphere of love and unity during this pandemic and lets all work together to come out the other side victorious with smiling and healthy children and families.